Page:Football, The Association Game.djvu/133

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32. The Council shall, at the end of each year, ascertain the balance in favour of the General Account (as provided by Rule 19 of the Association), and shall divide, such balance amongst the Clubs competing in the Semi-final and Final Ties pro rata as to the net gate receipts of each particular Tie, provided always, that the sum to be so divided shall not in any case exceed the total sum of the net gate receipts of the Semi-final and Final Ties.

33. When the winning Club shall have been ascertained, the Association shall deliver the Cup to such Club, which shall be responsible for its return to the Treasurer of the Association on or before the 1st day of February in the ensuing year, in good order and condition. Should the Cup be destroyed or damaged by fire or other accident whilst under the care or custody of the Club, the Club shall refund to the Association the amount of its original value or the cost of thorough repair; and should the Cup be lost or destroyed from any other cause whilst under the care or custody of the Club, the Club shall, in addition to any other penalty which the Association may impose, pay to the Association a sum of £100 as and for liquidated damages.

34. In addition to the Cup, the Association shall present Medals or Badges to the players in the Final Tie.

35. All notices required to be given to the Association by any of these Rules shall be addressed to the Secretary, at the offices of The Football Association, Limited, 104, High Holborn, London, W.C.

36. The Council shall have power to alter or add to the above Rules, as they from time to time deem expedient.