Page:Football, The Association Game.djvu/137

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BOOKS ON WINTER SPORTS IN THE "ALL-ENGLAND" SERIES. ASSOCIATION FOOTBALL. By C. W. Alcock, Vice- President of the Football Association, is, RUQBY FOOTBALL. By Harry Vassall, late Treasurer of the Rugby Football Union, is, " Treats of the sport in a practical manner, giving valuable hints to the several types of players, setting forth the duties of a referee, and containing interesting chapters on the reform of the laws and the effect of professionalism, the last-named being contributed by Mr. Budd." — Sportsman, aOLF. In Theory and Practice. By H. S. C. Everard. 2S, '* One of the very best books of its class." — Referee, "A book which is sure to be much appreciated among golfers generally."— Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News, SKATINQ. By Douglas Adams, London Skating Club. yith a Chapter for Ladies by Miss L. Cheetham, and a Chapter on Speed Skating by N.G, With 125 Diagrams. 2s, '* It is one of the best guides to skating in the English language." — 5/. James's Ganette, ATHLETICS, including: Cross-Country Running:. By H. Hewitt Griffin, L.A.C, etc. is. With Contributions by E, H, Pelling^ Rev, H, C, L, Tindall, /, L, Creig, T, /ennings, C, F, Daft, J, Kibbleivhite, C, E, H, Leggatt, Torn Ray, Sid Thomas, W,J, Sturgess^ and the Rev, W, Pollock- Hill, and an Article on School Athletics by A, G, Le Maitre, •* Mr. Griffin has done his work admirably." — Referee, , "I must compliment Mr. H. H. Griffin on the creditable little work he has just turned out" — Athletic News* HOCKEY. By Frank & Creswell, Hon. Sec. of the Hockey Association. Enlarged Edition, Revised to Date. With Illustrations, is. I DANCINQ. By Edward Scott. With Illustrations. 2s. LONDON; GEORGE BELL & SONS.