Page:Football, The Association Game.djvu/148

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GYMNASTICS. By A. F. Jenkin, Inns of Court School of Arms, Winner of the German Gymnastic Society's Challenge Cup, 1887-8-9. ILlustrated. Double volume, 2s.

"A capital handbook."— Saturday Review.

400 GYMNASTIC COMPETITION AMD DISPLAY EXERCISES. Set at various Open Competitions and Displays during the last Twelve Years, and Voluntary Exercises shown by Winners of Open and Championship Gymnastic Competitions. Edited by F. GRAF, Orion Gymnastic Club. Illustrated. 1s. The book also contains an Illustrated Glossary of the Principal Gymnastic Terms; the Exercises for the Second and Third Class Badge of the A.G. & F.A. (illustrated); 42 Exercises for Developing Muscles; and an article on Training for Competitions, by A. Barnard, Captain of the Orion Gymnastic Club.

INDIAN CLUBS. By G. T. B. Cobbett and A. F. Jenkin. Illustrated, 1s.

"By far the most valuable and important work that has ever been issued on the subject. We think there is little doubt but that it will be regarded as the text-book on this important branch of gynmastics. . . . The illustrations are all that can be desired."-Gymnast

DUMB-BELLS. By F. Graf, Orion Gymnastic Club. Illustrated, 1s.

BOXING. By R. G. Allanson-Winn, Inns of Court School of Arms, Winner of the Middle Weights, Cambridge, 1876-7; Heavy Weights, 1877-8. Illustrated, 1s.

"Mr. Winn's book is worthy of great praise, for it is at once one of the cheapest and best on the subject"—Field.

BROAD-SWORD AND SINGLE-STICK. With Chapters on Quarter-Staff, Bayonet, Cudgel, Shillalah, Walking-stick and Umbrella. By R. G. Allanson-Winn and C. Philipps-Wolley. Illustrated. 1s.

"There is the same practical comprehensiveness about the last volume of this series as has characterised its predecessors. The book is Illustrated and capitally printed"-Sportsman

FENCING. By H. A. Colmou Dunn, Inns of Court School of Arms. Illustrated, is.

"A capital handbook on fencing."—St James's Gazette

WRESTLING. By Walter Armstrong ("Cross buttocker"), late Hon. Sec. Cumberland and Westmoreland Wrestling Society in London. Illustrated, 1s

"'Wrestling' needs no praise at our hands. It is sufficient to say that the handbook is the work of Mr. Walter Armstrong." Field