Page:Football, the Rugby game.djvu/75

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waiting to confer as to the point in dispute with the Umpire who has not raised his stick, and the game shall be immediately stopped.

If, on the contrary, the Referee does not immediately blow his whistle, it shall be taken that he disallows the appeal, and the game shall proceed as though no appeal had been made, without any further consultation.

Whenever both sticks are raised, the Referee, except in cases left to his own discretion, shall signify the allowance of the appeal, and stop the game forthwith by blowing his whistle.

3. Appeals must be made immediately after the points occur which cause them, otherwise they cannot be entertained by the Umpires and Referee. Decisions may be given on more than one point if appeals are made at the proper moment.

4. The Umpires must not interfere in the game unless appeals are made to them.

5. The Referee must not interfere except on an appeal to the Umpires otherwise than in the following cases:—

(a) At "kick-off," when it shall be his duty to see that, the players on the side which has the "kick-off" are not in front of the ball when it is kicked-off.
(b) At "kick-out," when it shall be his duty to see that the kicker's side are behind the ball when kicked-out.
(c) In the case of a fair catch, when it shall be his duty to see that the kicker's side are behind the ball when it is kicked.
In the event of players (in his opinion) breaking the law on any of these points, he shall, on a claim by the opposite side, order a scrummage to be formed in the case of "kick-off" in the centre of the ground, and in case of "kick-out" at a spot twenty-five yards from the kicker's goal-line, and equi-distant from both the touch-lines, and in the case of a fair catch at the spot where the fair catch was made.
(d) In the case of a try at goal, and of all free-kicks, if any of the defending side charge before the ball touches the ground, he may, provided the kicker has not taken his kick, on a claim by the opposite side, disallow the charge.
(e) If in the opinion of the Referee any player shall in a scrummage intentionally handle the ball, or fall down, or if he, being on the ground, has not immediately got up again, he shall, on a claim by the opposite side, award a free-kick.
(f) In the event of any player illegally tackling, charging,