Page:For a' that and a' that (2).pdf/4

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Quo' she, I winna marry thee,
For a' the gear that ye can gi'e,
Nor will I gangee step a-jec,
For a' the gowd of Gowrie.
My father will gie me twa kye,
My mither's some varn gaun to dye,
I’ll get a gown just like the sky,
Gif I'll no gang to Gowrie.

O my dear Katie say nae sae,
Ye little ken a heart that's wae;
Hae there's my hand, hear me I pray,
Sin thou'll no gang to Gowrie.
Since first I met thee at the shiel,
My saul to thee's been true and leal;
The darkest night I fear nae deil,
Warlock, or witch, in Gowrie.

I fear nae want of claise nor nought,
Sic silly things my mind ne'er taught;
I dream a’ night, and start about,
An' wish for thee in Gowrie.
I lose thee better, Kate, my dear,
Than a' my rigs, and out-gawn gear;
Sit down by me, till ance I swear,
Thou'rt worth the Carse of Gowrie.

Syne on her mouth sweet kisses laid,
Till blushes a’ her cheeks o'er-spread;
She sigh’d and in saft whispers said,
O Pate tak me to Gowrie.