Page:For remembrance, soldier poets who have fallen in the war, Adcock, 1920.djvu/23

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Soldier Poets

J. Howard Stables. Lieut. Gurkha Rifles. (Wounded in action in Mesopotamia and missing, 17th February 1917. Since reported killed.) The Sorrow that Whistled (Elkin Mathews).
Robert W. Sterling. Lieut. Royal Scots Fusiliers. (Killed in action, 23rd April 1915.) Poems. With Memoir (Oxford University Press).
John E. Stewart, M.C. Major, Staffordshire Regt. (Killed in action, 26th April 1918.) More Songs by the Fighting Men (Erskine Macdonald).
John William Streets. Sergt. 13th Yorks and Lancaster Regt. (Wounded in action and missing, 1st July 1916. Since reported killed.) The Undying Splendour (Erskine Macdonald).
The Hon. E. Wyndham Tennant. Lieut. Grenadier Guards. (Killed in action, September 1915.) Worple Flit and Other Poems (Oxford: Blackwell).
Edward Thomas. Lieut. R.G.A. (Killed in action, April 1917.) Poems (Selwyn and Blount). Prose: The Tenth Muse. With Memoir by John Freeman (Martin Seeker); A Literary Pilgrim in England (Methuen); The Heart of England (Dent); Rest and Unrest (Duckworth), etc.
Herbert Nicholas Todd. Private, Queen's Westminsters. (Killed in action, 7th October 1916.) Poems and Plays (Sedbergh: Jackson and Son).

R. E. Vernède. Lieut. Rifle Brigade. (Killed in action, 9th April 1917.) War Poems.