Page:Foreign Tales and Traditions (Volume 2).djvu/201

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The peasants were much amused at so great an increase of boldness in the student’s demeanour; and attributing it to the influence of the liquor, they thought that if they could only get the fellow drunk they would have rare sport with him. So, when the youth had resumed his seat behind the stove, one of them presented him with a full bumper, saying:

“Now, courage, my hearty! I must drink till I measure my length on the ground, or all will not be well with me.”

“Do as you please,” replied the student very calmly.

“Yes,” responded the peasant, with assumed sternness, “you may do as you please,—quite as you please,—and if ever the very thought should cross my mind of preventing you, may I be soundly basted with your staff!”

“John,” exclaimed his comrades, laughing aloud, “what are you saying!”

Hereupon one of them, who was esteemed the wisest of their number, began with an air of great gravity: “Leave my honest friend, John, in peace! What is it that you are making such a fuss about? Had such a thing happened to me, who, you well know, am the stupidest blockhead amongst you, you might well laugh at it; but John is a wiser fellow, and you may well leave him to his own guidance.”

The company stared upon one another: “Children,” began another of the circle, “it is my grave belief you have bewitched this young student by sinful and wicked means.”

“I thought so from the very beginning!” added a third; and all broke out into a furious burst of passion, exclaiming: “Nothing shall prevent the student from beating each and all of us till he leave not a sound bone in our bodies! We have used him vilely! But wait a little; we shall be repaid in our own coin.”

Thus matters went on; the peasants fully conscious that their lips gave utterance to the express contrary of what they meant, grew more and more incensed at each impotent attempt to speak their wrath, and were about to rush in

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