Page:Foreign Tales and Traditions (Volume 2).djvu/262

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ble their mothers are said to be of gentle dispositions, and to have good fortune in the world.”

Our conversation gradually turned upon the objects of my visit. At first she disapproved of my incognito, but on my informing her of what had fallen from Sander at the inn, and of all the schemes which were laid to entrap me, she excused my artifice, and I, more occupied with the choice my good grandmother might have made for me, than with the whole inheritance, presently turned the conversation to the sealed paper. Mrs Waldmark started when I first mentioned this document, and complained of the imprudent dispositions of certain people who could not even keep secrets confided to them in their professional character. “But,” continued she, perceiving that I was inclined to attach particular importance to the subject, “be not at all restrained in your own free choice. I cannot say with certainty whom your grandmother may have fixed upon, but this I can assure you, that she gave no express injunctions on the subject; she knew the human heart too well for that, and you are still free to choose whom you like best. As for the interest of the fifty thousand crowns it is too trifling a matter to be put in competition for a moment with your own choice in the matter of matrimony.”

“It is certainly not my intention,” said I, “to pay any consideration to the fifty thousand crowns, even though I should be quite satisfied with my grandmother’s choice. I will not deprive the poor of her benefaction; but I am desirous, if possible, to fulfil her will to the utmost, seeing that it is to her I owe my whole fortune.”

“It was not her intention to lay the least restraint upon you,” replied Mrs Waldmark; “and I cannot tell you how greatly I am dissatisfied with that stupid fellow Sander. The whole matter was to have been kept a profound secret till after your betrothal; but as the matter has got abroad, and it is most probable your grandmother had some young lady belonging to this town in her eye, you must get ac-