Page:Forget Me Not (1824).djvu/115

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good neighbour’s, as befits a free Swiss girl. Will you promise this?”

The old man silently nodded assent, and gave me his hand.

“Now,” continued I, “it is impossible for me to conceal from her how matters stand between us: a man ought not to have any secrets with the female to whom he purposes to consign his happiness, his children, and himself. You must therefore allow me to inform her of your intentions, and how you mean to act in regard to her during the ensuing year, and to request her not to dispose of herself till my return, at the expiration of the period which you have fixed. This is no engagement. Do you agree to this?”

After some consideration, he replied: “Be it so then! and I protest to you, that I know of none whom I should like so well for a son-in-law as you; though I must own that I cannot exactly reconcile myself to the idea of your taking my only child away from me and my native valleys.”

The few days that I afterwards spent in those to me ever-memorable valleys, were days of the purest bliss. No seraphs can live more joyously, more innocently, more happily, than I and Mimili. The old man—I must do him the justice to say—manifested the same unbounded confidence as before. He let us stroll out alone