Page:Forget Me Not (1824).djvu/127

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dures for ever. Such is the pleasure of Him whom short-sighted mortals name the Father of Love. Yon cold glaciers have beheld for thousands of years the omnipotence of the Eternal, and will subsist for thousands of years to come in their awful magnificence; but the faithful heart of my noble William beats no more. Tell me not, I beseech you, of the rewards of the righteous. God hath seen my ways, and remembered all my steps. There was nothing impure within me, and yet the anger of the Unsearchable presses me down to the dust, as though I were the most heinous of offenders. I weep not; for I am strong, and will bid defiance to the tempest that is bursting over me. I will be greater than my misery—William too was great. He fell for his king and country, and his name will live in the annals of his nation for ever and ever.—My breath is feeble, and my days are few. What have I here to tarry for? I am hastening to that bourn whence no traveller returns.’

“In this state of mind she bore up for about a week, when she was seized with a violent fever, and we are now in hourly expectation of her dissolution.

“She has become tranquil and resigned. This morning she beckoned me to come to her bedside. ‘Though,’ said she, ‘I have arraigned the dispensations of the Almighty, he hath not