Page:Forget Me Not (1824).djvu/132

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eyes opened—I awoke from my swoon—William was kneeling by my bed, and big tears trickled down his pale cheeks. Ah, sir! no language can describe what I felt at this sight. ‘She lives!’ he exclaimed, clasping me in his arms; and I raised myself up, but could not speak for astonishment and joy. All I could do was to strain him to my heart, the suspended pulsations of which began to be renewed, and tears, the most delicious I ever shed, trickled from my eyes. But the excess of my felicity was too great—my feelings were too overpowering—joy threw me into—I know not what else to call it, than a heavenly trance. With his image in my mind, I slumbered, as it were, in a state between life and death; and on awaking from it, my senses returned—the crisis of my disorder was past—God had cured me by means of William.

“William, when he arrived, was yet ill and weak; but I shall soon make him well again. He has obtained leave of absence till his complete recovery. Peace is concluded, and I shall not suffer him to leave our mountains till I accompany him.

“He would write to you himself, only he cannot yet hold a pen in his right hand. The ball, which entered between two ribs and lodged in the chest, was extracted at Freiburg; the wound in the head was the more dangerous of the two,