Page:Forget Me Not (1824).djvu/74

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accustomed to the pleasing reality; but at the sight of this maiden I could not help reverting to the notion, and regarding her as one of the lovely beings of the poetic world in that happy age when Innocence still dwelt in human form upon the earth. Her head, covered with dark curly locks, was shaded by a large Leghorn hat, adorned by a bunch of wild flowers; and two light blue ribands floated loosely from the broad brim down to her hips. Her large blue eye bespoke the sweetest disposition, childlike simplicity, and innocent love. These silent mirrors of the heart and soul were overarched by the dark bows of the eyebrows, and long silken lashes tempered the fire of their ardent glances. Youth and health revelled in her dimpled cheeks, in her coral lips, and in the plumpness of her whole beauteous figure.

The corset was of black velvet, laced with gold chains, and richly and tastefully wrought with gold and silk of various colours. The wide sleeves, of the finest cambric, reached to the small delicate hand; and the habit-shirt, of the same material, modestly concealed the neck and bosom. The petticoat, of black silk, with its hundred plaits, was, according to our notions, extremely short. Fine white cotton stockings displayed the shape of the leg and elegantly turned ancle. A pretty basket dangled carelessly from her arm. In her whole exterior were