Page:Forget Me Not (1824).djvu/90

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to the charge with fixed bayonets; how young heroines of unimpeachable character fought courageously under our banners; how tenderly our matrons and damsels nursed the sick and the wounded; how all classes of the nation voluntarily contributed whatever they possessed most valuable to promote the good cause; how the silver hair of our Marshal Forward was everywhere the banner of our victorious army; how our gallant king undauntedly faced death in every battle for the deliverance of his people, and three times in the course of that sanguinary campaign, at Culm, at Leipzig, and at Bar-sur-Aube, secured victory by his presence of mind, his intelligence, and his personal valour.

During my relation the tears stole from between the silken lashes of the susceptible girl; and when I had finished, her father rose, and drank prosperity to my king, my nation, and our victorious arms. He again replenished the glasses, and proposed my health; but Mimili declared she would not drink it till I had promised to stay at least a week with them. “You are the man for my father,” added she; “I have not seen him for a long time so happy as he is to-night.”

“Don’t talk of a week, Mimili,” said the old man: “if this gentleman should like to stay longer than that with us, surely you would not forbid him. When people are happy in each