Page:Fortunes and misfortunes of the famous Moll Flanders.pdf/23

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got ſo far as Graveſend: ſo that ſhe brought us a boy, ſeven months after landing.

 After the death of my brother, or

former husband, my ſon invited us to come and ſee him, and made us ex- ceeding welcome; and truly no derſon could be bleſſed with a more dutiful child. Being thus happy, we lived for the ſpace of twenty years, ſpending our time in ſincere penitence, for the bad lives we had both lived, and that we did, by being hoſpitable and gen- erous to the poor, relieving them from want and ſlavery.

 Thus far we have given an account

of Moll Flanders, exactly taken from her hiſtory given by herſelf; to which there is only to add, That we have an account from Virginia, that ſhe died there, after having prepared for that change, with the greateſt piety and devotion; and as ſhe perceived her diſſolution drawing near, ſhe be- queathed ſeveral legacies to charitable uſes; and dying, her funeral was performed with great ſolemnity, be- ing interred in St Mary's Church in Virginia;