Page:Four Little Blossoms at Brookside Farm.djvu/94

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Four Little Blossoms at Brookside Farm

to "drive," holding the reins carefully as he told them, "Because," said Peter seriously, "even if you're only learning, you might as well begin right."

When they reached the mill, Jerry and Terry were tied to a post and Peter and the children went inside. Bobby was rather disappointed with the outside of the mill; he had expected it to look like the mills he saw in pictures, with great wide sails flattened against the sky.

"Electric power runs this mill," Peter explained when Bobby asked where the sails were. "You'll find plenty to see inside."

A short, stout man in a dusty white coat met them, and Peter gave him his order.

"I've some little folks from down the state a way with me," Peter told the man. "Guess you can show 'em round the mill a bit this morning?"

"I should say so!" was the hearty answer. "Come along, everybody, and we'll see just how grain is milled."

It was not a real flour mill. That is, not one of the great mills that turn millions of bushels