Page:Four Plays of Aeschylus (Cookson).djvu/124

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Eteocles! right valiant Sovereign
Of the Cadmeans! I bring tidings sure
Of happenings yonder with the armament;
Yea, and these eyes have seen what I report.
Know then, Seven Men—mettlesome Captains all—
Spilling bulls' blood in shield with black hide bound—
Their unctuous hands dipped in that gory chrism—
Have taken a great oath—unutterable—
By Enyo and Phobos that drinketh blood,
To raze these walls from battlement to base
And sack the town of Cadmus, or else die,
And leave to us our fair land soaked with carnage.
For a memorial to their folk at home
They hanged up garlands on Adrastus' car,
Weeping the while; but on their savage lips
Ruth was their none: rather the iron soul
Of stern resolve and red-hot hardihood
Panted in them, and in their lion eyes
Glanced Ares. These are no belated news;
For when I left them they were set about
Casting of lots for places at the Gates,
Against which each should march his company.
Therefore, the nation's chosen and her best
At every port assemble with all speed.
By now an Argive power of all arms
Approaches nigh at hand; the dust is stirred
With trampling feet; and their deep-chested steeds
Make the plain white with drops of creaming foam.
Now show thy seamanship, and make all snug
And weather-tight within, or e'er the blast
Of Ares strike; for on the dry land roars