Page:Four Plays of Aeschylus (Cookson).djvu/151

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Whom thou wilt send against him. And as I
Will be the faithful herald of thy word,
Prove thou true Captain of the Ship of State!

[Exit Messenger.


O house of Œdipus! Our house! O race
God-maddened—God-abominate—all tears!
Oh me! here ends,—here ends my father's curse!
And yet this is no time to weep and wail,
Lest sorrow's debt with usury of sorrow
Gender increase of groans! 'Mighty in Quarrel'!
Well-named! Well-named! Ay, we shall know anon
Where it will end, that blazon,—we shall know
Whether the gilded rant, writ on his shield
And fraught with frenzy, will fetch the bearer home!
If the maid Justice, Zeus' own child, had been
The inspiration of his thoughts,—had lent
Her countenance to his deeds, this might have been!
But neither when from antenatal gloom
He fled—at nurse, in adolescence, nor
When's beard grew thick, did Justice ever own him
Or speak him fair! Nor is it credible
That in this hour when perils thicken fast
To whelm his fatherland, she stands beside him!
No! Justice is Justice! She were falsely named
Succouring such a miscreant! In this faith
I go to meet him! Who hath better right?
Ay, king to king, and brother unto brother,
Foe matched with foe! My greaves! Fetch me my greaves!
Good gear 'gainst javelin-thrust or cast of stone!