Page:Four Plays of Aeschylus (Cookson).djvu/169

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Wretchedest of mortal kind!

Antigone and Ismene.

Sinning with a frenzied mind!


Where to lay them—in what grave?


Where most honour they may have!

Antigone and Ismene.

Yea, these children of his woe
Shall be their father's bedfellow!

Enter a Herald.


Hold! Let me first discharge a duty. I
Am come with mandate from the Governors
Appointed by the people of this realm
Cadmean. Their high will and pleasure is
That, forasmuch as good Eteocles
Was loyally affected to this land,
Ye do inter him in its tender soil;
Thereby acknowledging he gave his life
For love of her and hatred of her foes;
And, being perfect and without reproach
God-ward and to the temples of his fathers,
Died, as became his youth, in guiltlessness.
Touching the said deceased Eteocles
So much I am commanded to convey.
But for his brother—Polyneices—ye
Are to cast forth unburied his remains
For dogs to gnaw; as a conspirator
Against the integritv of Cadmus' realm,