Page:Four Plays of Aeschylus (Cookson).djvu/38

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We'll hang ourselves upon these holy Gods.


Thy menace lays the lash across my heart.


I see thou understand' st me: now have I
Opened thine eyes to clearer vision.


Turn where I may, griefs ineluctable
Confront my sight: a multitude of ills
Comes on like a river: on this sea of ruin
I am embarked: the bottomless abyss
Below; around unnavigable waves;
And nowhere any harbour from distress.
If I shall fail towards you and not exact
This debt which is your right, ye threaten me
With such pollution, strain words how ye will,
Hyperbole cannot o'ershoot the mark.
And if I stand before the city wall
And try conclusions with Ægyptus' sons,
Your own blood kin, upon the field of battle,
For sake of women men must stain this earth
With blood: and were not that bitter expense
To charge myself withal? Yet there's no help
But I must hold in awe the wrath of Zeus
Who helpeth suppliants: the fear of him
Is for all flesh the highest fear. Now, therefore,
Thou venerable father of these maids,