Page:Four Plays of Aeschylus (Cookson).djvu/64

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And through and through that act the nail is driven
So that it standeth fast. Thou hast my answer;
Not writ in folded tablets, nor yet sealed
In any secret scroll: but overt, the plain speech
Of an unfettered tongue. Now—quit my sight.


May victory and power that victory gives
Be with the men.


Oh, ye will find men here,
Trust me, no bousers of thin barley-brew.

[Exit Herald and his followers.

And now with your handmaidens all of you
Walk boldly to the city. 'Tis well fenced
And locked with deep device of wards and towers.
Many fair dwellings are maintainéd there
At the public charge. With no illiberal hand
Myself am lodged. Here ye may share a house
With others, or, if it likes ye, live alone.
The best is at your service: take your choice
And let it be the fairest ye can find:
'Twill cost ye nothing. Look upon myself
And the whole body of the citizens,
Whose mandate this effects, as your protectors.
More powerful patrons ye've no need to ask.


Sire, may your great courtesy
Plenteously rewarded be.