Page:Four and Twenty Minds.djvu/319

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But the persons of the drama, whether men or women, have no life, no spiritual complications, no tragic accents or impulses. They utter a series of chilly conceits and pedantic maxims; they give us sermons or madrigals. Clotaldo, by way of informing us that he is going to fire a pistol, speaks thus:

… Aquesta pistola, áspid
de metal, escupirá
el veneno penetrante
de dos balas, cuyo fuego
será escándalo del aire.[1]

Sigismund compliments Estrella thus:

¿Qué dejáis que hacer al sol,
si os levantáis con el día?
Dadme á besar vuestra mano,
en cuya copa de nieve
el aura candores bebe.[2]

The whole drama is in this tone. Hyperboles and aphorisms, conceits and antitheses, puns and banality. The famous soliloquy of Sigismund ends thus:

¿Qué es la vida? un frenesí;
¿Qué es la vida? una ilusión,
una sombra, una ficción,

  1. “This pistol, an asp of metal, will spit forth the piercing poison of two bullets, whose fire will astonish the air.”
  2. "What do you leave for the sun to do, if you arise with the dawn? Grant that I kiss your hand, in whose snowy cup the breeze drinks whiteness."