CfTeterde^bano. gg
ful : & 'per nomen Aiona^fummi Det^ omnium creator u : & per nomen omnium {I (liar urn , & per vim & virtutemearum: & per nomina praditia^conjuro te Sachiel Jlngele maone , qui es prapofitut diet Jovu, ut pro me labor ci, &C. As in the Conjura- tion of the Lords day.
The Spirics of the Air of Thurfday , are fubjeft to the South-winde ; their nature is to procure the love of women ; to caufe men to be merry and joyful ; to pacific flrife and contentions ; to appeafe enemies j to heal ihedifeafed, and to difeafe the whole ; and procureth lofTes, or taketh them away. Their manner of appearing is fpoken of already.
Confederations of Friday.
- He Angel of Friday,his Sigil,his PJaner,theSigne govern,
ing that Planet, and name of the third heaven.
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��The Angels of Friday. Anael. Rachiel. Sachiel,
The Angels of the Air reigning on Friday. Sarat>otcSy King.
jQmabkU cAba t Abaliioth. Ftdef.
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