Page:Fourth Book of Occult Philosophy, 1655.djvu/144

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1 20 A Difcourfe,

Cafior. But this being performed, did thehoufe afterwards become quiet and habitable ? Pol. Yes, very well. They are Cafior. What madnefs therefore pofleffeth them who pro- poflcfled phane and defiroy Church-yards , where the facred Organs

Uefithai" of the hol y and ble{rec * s P iric do reft ; and do give the bones dcrtroy of the dead for meat to the Spirit Zaz^lm-pi whom mention Church- is made in the 3 of the Kings ; and we read in/Wp/rw, a- yards. moneft the Hiftories of De/phos , that he was called Eurywt-

The Spirit '

Emynamtu. P° l - Thou fhalt finde, that the Governours of Cities that were of the opinion and judgement of ChriiUans.didfubverr 9 deftroy and prophane thefe holy places, that herein the youth might dance their mocking inrerludes,afterthc furious found of the drum or taber, and fmg, Iopean ; or, there the poor in- feriour old women did fell hafe trumpery or lupines , which God would have to be purged with holy prayers, for the fal- vation of fouls, or breaking of bread to the hungry.

C a ftor. But it is an impious and heathenifh thing fo to have touched the anointed of God.

Pol. And worfe then heathenifh ; for the heathens did The Cere- highly efteem the Rites and Ceremonies of burials , as Elpi- f no ? y . of noris witnefs in //«»«■, where he yeildeth up his life ; and

in g«« " in HoMer lle f P eaketh to Ul jff" j l mtreM th "> O Ufxfes, to be fteem a- mindeful of me , end not depart ax»*y hence and leave me unin- moneft the terred, left that y not being riteh buried, I (hall be made the wrath Heathens. ~r t fo Go j tt ^nd Archita ihePhilofophet in Flacctu , thus (peaketh to the Mariner :

Horace 1 Me quoquc divexi Rapidui comet rionit

book of Hljrttis Notus obruit uneb's.

Yerfes. Artu Nauta vag& neparct Mttfigmu hare»*y

Offibnt & capiti inhumato.

'Particulam dare ; fie auocunque m'mabitur Eurm

FluBibut Hefptriif, Venttfina

e Pleilantur/iln<^ ) te fofrttc muliaque merees

Unde poteft tibi defluat ctque,


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