Page:Fourth Book of Occult Philosophy, 1655.djvu/171

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Of Agronomical Gtomdnclt, \ 57

Afterwards it is requisite to make four Lines by courfe for every Planet, by points cafually pricked down; andlikewife for the DrateMf HeaJyZs you have done for the Afcendenc, and divide thofe points by twelve ; and that which remained! above twelye, or the twelfth it felf, if a greater number doth not remain, retaine, and the Planet for which the projection was made, place in that Houfe of which the fuperabounding number (ball be ; that is , if there remain twelve , let the Planet be placed in the twelfth Houfe ; if ten , in the tenth Houfe j if one,in the firfl Houfe ; if two,in the fecond Houfe; and fo of the reft. And you ought ahvayes to begin from the Suk, and afterwards from the Moon, then from Venm and Mercury, and from Saturn, Jupiter and Mars, and the Dragons Head and Dragons Tail ; but you mult alwayes take heed, that you do not make a queftion in a rainy , cloudy , or a very windy feafon, or when thou art angry, or thy mindebu- ficd with many affairs ; nor for tempters or deriders, neither that you may renew and reiterate the fame QuefHon again under the fame figure or forme ; for that is error.

QHefiions ofthefrfi Houfe.

IF you are defirous to know concerning the life of any man whether it fhallbe long or fhort, behold the Lord of the A(cendent,who if he be in flrong Angles,it fignifies long life ; in luccedents, a middle age; and in cadent Houfes, a fhort life ; and if he be in (hong Angles,he fignifies greater years ; if in Succedents,meaner years; if in Cadenrs,lctter years. The letter years of Satvm are thirty , the meaner are forty four years, and the greater fifty eight. The letter years of Jupiter are twelve , the meaner years forty, and the greater accor- dingly are forty feven. The letter years of Mars are fifteen, his meane years forty, and the greater years forty feven. The letter years of the Sun are are nineteen, bismeanyears forry five, and his greater years eighty two. The letter years ofV'erHs are eight, her mean years forry five, and her greater years eighty two. Mercnrfs letter years are twenty , his

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