Page:Fourth Book of Occult Philosophy, 1655.djvu/178

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1^4 Gerard Cremonenfis,

with his Lord, it is legitimate ; and (o likewifc if the Lord

ofthc/ifih be found in the fir!l,orwith the Lord of thcfirft.

If you defire to know whether rumours be rrue or falfe, fee if you bride Saturn, <jM«rs or the Dragons Tail, in the Afcen- dent ; becanfe if they be fo, then the rumours are falfe j bur, if you finde the Sun, Jupiter or the Dragons Head there, then they are true ; and if there be mafculine Planets inmafculine Signes, & feminine Planets in feminine Signes,then they are truejand if both good and evil Planets be tnere,then they are partly true and partly falfe ; and if there be a good Signe with the Planer, it teftifies the truth ; and if the Planet fall with anevilSigne, then it is falfe ; likewifeif C/W<rra«7beinthe firft , the news is falfe : but if the CMoon be in the firftin a feminine Signe , or joyned with the Lord of the Alcendent in a feminine Signe, then the rumours are true ; alfo if good Planets be in the firft, fifth or ninth,and feminine Signes, they are true; but if otherwife, they are nor.

If you would know whether any one that is abfent will return , and when ; fee the Lord of the Afcendent and the iirft , which if you finde them together , for certain he will come , and is now beginning his J ourney . Likewife if the Lord of the fifth be in the firft, or with the Lord of the firft, and if he be in his fall, the meflTenger is fick in bis way ; but if the Lord ofthefifch be exalted, then he cometh joyfully. And if he be in a cadent Signe, he (ball be grievoufly afflicted with ficknefs, or (hall die.

If you would know if he bringeth that with him for which he went,or not,behold the Lord of the fevenrh; which if he be good,hc bringeth that which he fought for ; and if he be In his fall, or an evil Planet be there, be bringeth nothing with him.

Qucflions ofthepxthHeufe.

\X^Hether the fick (hall recover his health, or die. If the

Quefiion be concerning his ficknefs , fee if Saturn, or

(JUarif or the Dragons T^/'/dc in the firft, and whether his


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