Page:Fourth Book of Occult Philosophy, 1655.djvu/229

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Arbatel of CWagick, 215

fuch preemptions fhould be cart out of the minde, by the word, while they are new ; neither lee them have any habit in the idle minde, chac is empty of the divine word.

Afror. 47.

He that is faithfully converfant in his vocation, (hall have alfo the Spirics conftant companions of his delires, who will fucceflivcly lupply him in all things.But if he have any know- ledge in Magick, they will not be unwilling to (hew him, and familiarly to converfe with him,and to ferve himin thofe feve- ral minifteries, unto which they are addifted ; the good Spi- rits in good things, unco falvation ; the evil Spirits in every evil thing, to deftru&ion. Examples are not wanting in the Hiftories of the whole World ; and do daily happen in the world. Theodojim before the vi&ory of ' cArbogahus , is an example of the good ; Brut: before he was flain , was an example of the evil Spirits, when he was perfecuted of the Spirit of C*/*r , andexpofedco punifhment , that he flew himfelf, who had (lain his own Father, and the Father of his Country.

All Magick is a revelation of Spirits of that kinde , of which fort the Magick is ; fo that the nine Mufes are called, in Hefiody the ninth Magick, as he manifeftly teftifies of him- felf in Theogony. In Homer ,the genius oflltyjfes in PJigioga- gia. Hermes^ the Spirits of the more fublime parts of the minde. God revealed himfelf to Mofes in the bnfh. The three wife men who came to feek Chrift ar Jerufa/em, the Angel of the Lord was their leader. The Angels of the Lord directed Daniel. Therefore there is nothing whereof any one may glory ; For it U not unto him that willeth^ nor unto him that runneth ; but to whom Cod will have mercy y or of fome other fpiricual face. From hence fpringeth all Magick, and thither again it will revolve, whether it be good or evil. In


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