Page:France and the Levant peace conference 1920.djvu/41

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Vol. III. The Balkan States (1).
New Nos. Old Nos.
15   (15) The Eastern Question   3s. 6d.
16   (46) Turkey in Europe   3s. 6d.
17   (16) Albania*   2s. 0d.
18   (18) Greece*, with the Cyclades* and Northern Sporades*   3s. 6d.
Vol. IV. The Balkan States (2).
19   (20) Montenegro*   2s. 6d.
20   (22) Serbia*   2s. 6d.
21   (19) Macedonia   2s. 0d.
22   (17) Bulgaria*   3s. 0d.
23   (21) Rumania*, with the Dobruja*   3s. 0d.
Vol. V. The Netherlands.
25   (37) Holland   2s. 0d.
26   (23) Belgium*   5s. 0d.
27   (24) Luxemburg and Limburg   1s. 6d.
28   (25) The Scheldt   0s. 6d.
29   (26) The Neutrality of Belgium   0s. 6d.
Vol. VI. France, Italy, Spain, &c.
30   (28) Alsace-Lorraine*   2s. 6d.
31   (29) Lorraine and Saar Minefields*   1s. 0d.
33   (42) Trentino* and Alto Adige*   1s. 0d.
34   (61) Spain since 1815   1s. 0d.
35   (27) Slesvig-Holstein*   2s. 6d.
36   (64) Spitsbergen*   1s. 0d.
Vol. VII. Germany.
37   (32) Bavarian Palatinate*   1s. 0d.
38   (33) Rhenish Prussia*   2s. 0d.
39   (34) East and West Prussia*   1s. 6d.
40   (34a) Upper Silesia*   1s. 0d.
41   (36) Kiel Canal* and Heligoland   1s. 0d.
42   (35) German Colonisation   3s. 0d.