Page:Frances Shimer Record 38 4.djvu/11

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Mrs. Annabelle Culver Joy has made many students and faculty members happy with the presentation to the school of a new Hammond Organ. It is given as a memorial to Raymond B. Culver, president of Shimer from 1936-1938, at which time serious illness prevented him from continuing his work.

The students and faculty were so anxious to hear the new organ that an improvised concert was arranged on the night its installation was completed. Janise Vaughn played some Bach, Handel and Schubert, and Maureen Roske, Shimer alumna attending The Juilliard Graduate School of Music in New York, sang a group of songs. Then Phyllis Haeger's brother played popular music as all crowded round to sing.

The real dedication of the organ was given at Graduation. The prayer, written by Mrs. Bro, was as follows:

Our Father—Thou who hast set the planets in their places and dost sustain them in harmony, Thou who hast made the stars to sing together and the music of the spheres to speak thy sustaining care, We come to Thee with joy and thanksgiving for this occasion. We know that Thou dost mean our lives to speak the same accord which rises in our hymns of praise.

Today we pause to dedicate to Thee this organ which will be the source of music and happiness in our common life at Shimer. But it is not alone an instrument of music which we dedicate to Thy service. With it we dedicate anew our own devotion. Wilt Thou gather into one symphony of friendship the family who made this organ possible for us and all of the families represented here today. Keep us free from discord in our innermost hearts. May the chords of Thy love gather in the lesser chords of our own hope and faith so that together we may bring the world into the vast harmony of Thy spirit. Amen.

A great amount of pleasure and source of inspiration will be given by this gift throughout the years to come.


Green Curtain Hopeful!
Green Curtain Hopeful!