Page:Francesca Carrara 3.pdf/12

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"Now why
Are her eyes downcast, and his white brow glowing?
Say, have they vowed—while heaven was witness by,
With all her radiant lights, like fountains flowing—
To love while water runs and woods are growing?"
The Maid of Elvar.

Francesca was one evening returning from her now favourite occupation, if occupation it could be called, namely, of sitting by Guido's grave, lost in profound and gloomy meditation. She would pass whole hours, full of all those fancies which haunt the solitude of indulged grief. Here she recalled all the passages of their former life, till scarcely could she believe that they were gone by for ever! Then, again, she almost thought that the soft and wailing wind which swept mournfully through the sepulchral boughs of the large old yews, had a voice not of this world—was it the inarticulate plaining of her brother's gentle spirit, debarred from intercourse, but still keeping over her the deep and eternal watch of love? She