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security of future happiness seemed around her! A parent's love and a parent's care were indeed a guarantee against misfortune. Was not her fate now in his hands?

Lord Avonleigh soon recovered his self-possession. He had those elegant and finished manners which are prepared for any thing except emotion. He led Francesca to talk of herself and of her past life; and was equally satisfied with her conversation and her appearance. The classic and poetic seclusion in which the commencement of her life had passed, was, in the grace and the refinement which it nurtured, well fitted to receive the polish of the French court; and her great beauty flung its own charm over the slightest action. Lord Avonleigh was delighted with his daughter, and she was both delighted and astonished. Was it possible that this dreaded interview could pass over so placidly? It was, however, not ended yet.

"I deeply feel," said Francesca, "your kindness in asking no questions, and demanding no proofs, beyond Mr. Arden's narrative."

"Do not speak of him," interrupted Lord Avonleigh, who, in truth, wished to avoid all mention of the disagreeable past.

"I believe," continued she, "there are still