Page:Francesca Carrara 3.pdf/127

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Francesca was hurt by the manner, even more than astonished by the words. "What mean you?" exclaimed she. "You look at me reproachfully: you withdraw your hand from mine! What have I done? You were so kind. What has so suddenly changed you?"

"Franeesca," resumed her father, "put yourself in yonder boy's place, and then fancy what his feelings will be, when he finds that the rank, name, and wealth in which he has been brought up are not his! Do you think it is in human nature to welcome the sister who comes to deprive him of them?"

"Deprive him of them?" repeated Francesca: "why should I deprive him of them? Give me a home, with your mutual affection; and if you could look into my heart, you would see how little I care for your wealth?"

"Are you not aware that my first marriage makes my second invalid? If you are my lawful child, Albert is not; I cannot acknowledge the one without disgracing the other."

"Let us go back to the house," said Francesca, faintly.

Silently they returned by the narrow green path, Lord Avonleigh thinking himself the most unfortunate man in the world, and his daughter