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Never, never! Evelyn, dearest Evelyn! I could not purchase even our reunion on such terms: I were unworthy of you if I could. There is but one course for me to take; and, harsh and bitter though it be, that course is mine."

They had now arrived at the door. "I pray you enter," said Francesca to her companion, who paused irresolute on the threshold. She approached the table whereon stood her mother's casket. She replaced the papers within, and, turning the lock, she gave the key into Lord Avonleigh's hand, at the same time pushing the casket towards him. "You will never," whispered she, "be further troubled with claim of Francesca! No avowal could avail my mother. In her case, silence is the only justice needed by the dead. Let the noble youth, now the acknowledged heir of your house and heart, so remain."

"Albert," interrupted Lord Avonleigh, "will never allow it. You know not the pride of that young heart."

"He must never hear it," was the reply. "Let the past be what it now is—a secret between ourselves."

"But you, my noble, my generous girl!" exclaimed Lord Avonleigh, "I dare not let you pay the penalty of my former folly."