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philosophy born of les amusemens el les distractions. She made a journey incognita to Spain, and was so full of her own wonderful courage in venturing across the water in a high wind—of contempt for the dress of the Spanish women—and, finally, so intent on the etiquettes of train-bearing, and calling the Princes Palatine 'ma cousine,’ that the greater interest was lost in a succession of minor concerns. And now, I believe, little that is important remains to be told, excepting that for a whole day the discourse of the court turned on nothing but the King of Spain's meanness. The Queen Mother sent him a magnificent clock, where time sparkled as it passed—for it was literally covered with diamonds; and the only return made was a present of some Spanish gloves. I hear that Anne herself in private avowed her extreme mortification."

"And now that we have discussed the past," said Francesca, "what do you say of the present?"

"Why, that Mazarin will see no niece of his on the throne of England."

"To promote which design is the object of this visit.”

"And, like many other grand designs, will be discomfited by a very slight obstacle. Not to