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resolved to do all he could to frustrate its design. He forthwith sent the Comte de Mielleraye due warning of the project, asked him to England, and offered to introduce him to Avonleigh Castle. It may readily be supposed that the Comte accepted the proposal, left Paris, and his appearance at so critical a moment turned in his favour whatever might have wavered of Hortense's heart.

Charles was too good-natured to interfere with an inclination which did not interfere with his own; and left the weight of explanation to his mother or Buckingham, who was eloquent about the expectations of the people of England, and the necessity for a royal alliance; while his master was perfectly content, as long as the visit lasted, to permit himself to be amused by Madame de Soissons.

Buckingham, in the meantime, was not without a scheme for his own advantage. He was attracted by Francesca's beauty, but still more by her being the rich Lord Avonleigh's only child. He had already received a grant of the Evelyn estate, and the two united would form the finest property in England. Already he meditated obtaining possession of the whole county of Hampshire; for he was as avaricious in acquisition as he was lavish in expenditure. The gallantry