Page:Francesca Carrara 3.pdf/273

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life and thought; and that stern fanatic and republican had long stood upon the verge of insanity and death. He had been chosen as leader of the emigrants about to cross the wide Atlantic; and his energy had been the stimulus and the bond of their union. He felt the chill of that earth with which he was so soon to mingle creeping over him. His hands stiffened as he extended them; but his purpose was still strong within him.

"Mourn not," he exclaimed, "that ye are about to quit the green fields and the pleasant gardens in which your eye delighted—mourn not for the homes wherein ye have dwelt from infancy. Let the porch be deserted, and let the stranger sit by your hearth. Never more will ye hear the bells on a Sabbath morning, breaking the sacred calm that rests on the quiet valleys, and calling ye to pray where your fathers have prayed, and awakening all old memories of love and reverence, as ye pass the graves where the green grass and the wild flowers are undisturbed as the sleep which they make beautiful. All these must ye leave behind; all that ye have held sacred, all that is most precious, must now be as the things of yesterday. Your path is across the stormy waters—your home in the primeval forest.