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"Lord Avonleigh's heiress will be none to him. The hour that sees me his wife sees me portionless, and exiled like himself."

"But do you consider the folly of renouncing all your present advantages? As Duchess of Buckingham, think what a brilliant destiny offers itself to your acceptance!"

"I am as indifferent to the Duke's rank and wealth as I am to himself. More I cannot say."

"And have you no fear of the dreary realities of seclusion and exile, when the present romance of an excited fancy shall pass away?"

"Were I actuated but by a mere fancy, I might tremble to act upon its hasty impulse. But there is a love that is stronger than death, and deeper than life; for whose sake the sacrifice is light—ay, even unfelt. It is a love which, born of the pure and fresh feelings of youth, grows with your growth and strengthens with your strength—a love which would give sweetness to a palace and glory to a cottage—a love prepared to suffer, to endure, and yet suffice unto its own happiness—tried by time, by doubt, even by despair, and yet living on—the heart's deepest hope, and life's dearest tie. Such a love do I feel for Robert Evelyn." Her beautiful eyes filled with light, and her cheek grew pale with intense emotion.