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Evelyn saw that her nerves had been too highly excited; and, to divert her from these imaginative phastasies, he turned to the more actual exertions required by their situation, and resumed the plan of their arrangements, which their late conversation had interrupted.

"This very night, my beloved Francesca, you must be mine for ever. I have seen St. Aubyn to-day, and told him how entirely my every hope in life rested on the present interview. At ten o'clock he will wait for us in the church. The hour will secure us from intrusion, and I can rely on St. Aubyn. Can you, dare you meet me?"

"Yes!" said she, in a low but steady voice.

"The Castle once left, the forest path is lonely but safe. I would meet you here, but I have a sacred duty to perform,—"

"And," interrupted Francesca, "there is so much risk in coming here! For my sake you must be cautious."

"But, dearest, the forest is dark and solitary. Are not you afraid?"

"Afraid of our quiet woods, with those of America before us! You cannot think how brave I mean to be. Besides, I know the path to the church so well."