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talked about loyalty and public duty, and demanded that, as a magistrate, he should issue a warrant for Evelyn's apprehension. This was granted with a readiness and yet an embarrassment that at once excited the Duke's suspicions that his future father-in-law knew more of Francesca's attachment than he liked to confess. Both decided on seeing the warrant executed; and the discovery to which it led took both by surprise.

Francesca's avowal of her marriage put hope out of the question, but memory remained; and the Duke considered revenge as a duty he owed to himself. Evelyn had dared to cross his path—let him perish! it was at once a good example and a satisfaction—a good example, which means warning to others, and a satisfaction to himself. "I have been," muttered he, "dramatising the last week: as it cannot be a comedy, and end with a marriage, let it be a tragedy, and end with a death. I can be the tyrant—Evelyn the lover ordered to execution. Lord Avonleigh has a double part to sustain—the cruel father, and the minister of my vengeance; while Francesca can go mad in white satin."

It is a curious fact, but a fact it is, that your witty people are the most hard-hearted in the