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But this present case quite reverses the old saying, which asserts that the law is one vast cobweb, which the large flies, alias the rich, break through, but in which the small flies, alias the poor, are entangled. This Mr. Evelyn's estates are sadly in his way. It will tax even your eloquence to persuade George Villiers to give up the broad lands which are now his by right of confiscation; and life without land is but a half sort of pardon. What shall we do with Buckingham?"

"I was not aware," replied la Comtesse, "that the Duke was keeper of your Grace's conscience."

"Faith," answered Charles, "it might be in better hands; but if my conscience is not in his keeping, Robert Evelyn's estates are."

"Oh, they will bear a considerable fine; and there must surely be in this discontented island other rebels, whose estates may be confiscated for the Duke of Buckingham's benefit, and who are not so much in love as to be interesting."

"Well, pardoned he shall be," returned the King, "even at the penalty of George's not saying a witty thing for the next month at Whitehall, excepting at my expense."

"Your Grace," replied Marie, with a most flattering smile, "can repay him with interest.