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Louis kissed the hand extended to him, and, hastening to the casement, again commenced his perilous way. In a few minutes he was in Madame de Soissons' chamber, who sprang from her chair to welcome him.

"Never was wall scaled so bravely—an omen of future success, when you shall try such an adventure on your own account. But now tell me all."

"This letter will do it better than I can, who only know that the Lady Francesca is not ill.”

Marie opened it eagerly,—"Married!—going to America!"—and she sat down fairly breathless with astonishment. "Oh they will easily be reasoned out of this folly. Well," continued she, addressing the page, "do you give this note early to-morrow into the hands of the King himself. May I trust you to gather some violets? they will pass for an excuse—un petit brin de sentiment very justifiable on the last day. Make use of my name to deliver it. His being asleep is of no consequence: wake him,—a lady's message is not to be kept waiting. And here is un gage d'amitie for yourself." So saying, she gave him a velvet purse embroidered in gold, and whose contents were more than adequate to the promise of its glittering outside.