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"Pray," answered she, "do not let a little miserable earth interfere with our newly formed friendship."

"I thank your Grace," said Evelyn; "but I ask no boon beyond the life, whose gratitude can end but with itself. Let my father's house pass from me, even as I am about to pass away from my father's land. When yonder dearest maiden stood with me before the altar, she knew that she wedded one whose future lot was cast in another place—that I was an exile and a wanderer. The plan which I formed thoughtfully, I adhere to steadily. I am still bound to my brave companions; far across the ocean we will seek an altar and a home. For the faith which we profess we are ready to encounter every danger. We go in the name of God, and we believe he will guide us in safety through the wilderness. To-night we sail!"

"He is mad!" exclaimed Lord Avonleigh. "At all events, you, Francesca, will not go with him?"

She answered by placing her hand in Evelyn's, and standing in silence at his side.