Page:Francesca Carrara 3.pdf/53

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Perceiving that Lucy still hesitated, she approached the sleeper, and with some effort removed the arm which supported his head, at the same time calling him by name. Evelyn started to his feet in a moment, and his hand mechanically sought his sword—the discovery that he was unarmed seemed to recall his recollection instantaneously—he paused just to take breath, folded his arms, and turned fiercely round to face his supposed enemy. His glance fell upon Lucy Aylmer. "My sweetest Lucy!" exclaimed he, "this is being in company with an angel sooner than I expected."

Her only answer was a burst of tears, and a gesture towards Francesca, entreating her to speak, which drew Evelyn's attention to her companion. Pale and agitated, the young Italian felt herself incapable of utterance; and Evelyn stood fixed to the ground when he recognised his visitor. "The Signora de Carrara!" he ejaculated; and then paused, half surprise and half embarrassment.

Francesca was the first to recover her self-possession; and coldly and calmly approaching the prisoner, said, with a voice to which pride gave firmness, "Mr. Evelyn, time is now too valuable to be wasted in idle explanations; I have