Page:Frank Owen - The Scarlett Hill, 1941.djvu/145

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The Scarlet Hill

poverty. But as the good wife came forward, there was such warmth and cheer in her smile the house seemed to change. It became a warm friendly place. Meanwhile the scholar went outside and killed his only donkey. From its carcass, he cut a generous portion of meat for his wife to prepare. She hummed softly as she went about her task.

While he waited, the Emperor engaged the scholar in conversation, by saying, "Tell me your name, kind friend."

"I am Wang Chü, a native of Huai-chou, a student of astronomy. I have retired to this spot so that I may have quietude to study the stars, and meditate on the goodness of the gods for granting me so worthy a wife."

"You have indeed found wisdom."

"And contentment."

"Perhaps you can help me with some of the vexing problems of Government. For instance, at the moment, except for an occasional clash on the northern borders, China is at peace with all countries. However, the members of the powerful Wei family who live in Shensi to the south of Changan, are a source of endless annoyance. The more kindly they are treated, the more arrogant and autocratic they become."

For a while, Wang Chü sat in profound meditation. Finally, he said, "If they rebel, slay them. What is friendship if it destroys the very forces it has sworn to uphold?"

The Emperor sighed. "In my youth, there was vio-