Page:Frank Owen - The Scarlett Hill, 1941.djvu/271

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The Scarlet Hill

shakable. Yang Kuei-fei saw to it that this opinion never wavered. She liked having An Lu-shan at the Palace, and he availed himself of the privilege whenever it could be arranged. He was fortunate in having a second in command named Shih Ssu-ming, as fine a leader as himself, so that the training of the soldiers was not neglected while he dallied at the Court.

When Yang Kuei-fei questioned him about his past, he told her fantastic tales.

"My mother was a witch," he said.

"Could she turn herself into a fox?"

"Though she never tried, I doubt not that she could have done so. Before I was born, she stood on a mountain top and prayed for a son. And her prayers were answered. At my birth a halo appeared around the house, and the beasts of the field cried in anguish. A canal flowing through the flat country overflowed its banks. The water lashed about in fury even though there was no wind and for weeks it had not rained. The authorities were affrighted. They sent soldiers to put me to death."

Yang Kuei-fei was thrilled. "Wonderful, is it not, that today you are a General in charge of troops?"

"I wouldn't be," said he seriously, "if my mother had not concealed me."

"I am indebted to her for saving you, so that today I might take her place and be your mother."

He laughed immoderately. "Mother, may I lay my head on your breast?"

"If you are tired," she whispered breathlessly.