Page:Frank Owen - The Scarlett Hill, 1941.djvu/279

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The Scarlet Hill

so fervently that the day will come when your position at Court will be second only to that of Emperor."

"Even though I cannot overcome my dislike for An Lu-shan?"

Her eyes sparkled with mischief. "Perhaps An Lu-shan finds it equally hard to overcome his dislike for you. Therefore, despise him if you wish, but abandon jealousy. 'Evil things done in secret are seen in heaven like Hashes of lightning? Our Master tells us that 'the superior man is satisfied and composed, the mean man is always dissatisfied.' Would that your vision were like unto a man standing on a mountain top and not a ricefarmer stooping in a field. An Lu-shan is courageous. As Generalissimo he fills a vital military post. That is where he belongs. But you, my cousin, are like unto a traveler setting out on a long journey. You have far to go. Covet not the fertile fields of others. There is no need."

During the next year, Kuo-chung was altruistic. Though he wallowed in dissipation and excess, he steadfastly avoided criticism of An Lu-shan. But all efforts to trust An Lu-shan proved fruitless. He felt as though he were ploughing barren land.

Kuo-chung was not a profound thinker, but so much time did he spend with Lady Kuo Kuo surreptitiously, it improved his reasoning. Anything beyond his comprehension, he discussed with her and she smoothed it out. Kuo Kuo preferred to remain in the background. As long as she was one of the Emperor's concubines

and was able to retain Kuo-chung as an admirer, she