Page:Frank Owen - The Scarlett Hill, 1941.djvu/293

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The Scarlet Hill

"The bright sun rises over the Eastern mountains,
A new glory re-awakens the earth to the impulses of spring;
The pink peach flowers open to the light;
The yellow bamboos wave in the gentle breeze."

The Emperor scarcely heard the words so acute was his weariness but the echo of her voice was pleasant. He was all but sleeping as he whispered, "The people's hearts and heaven's decree are one."


Kuo-chung assumed the duties of Premier with keen elation marred somewhat by a tincture of regret because he had all but depleted his natural forces. So acutely did he feel the cold, he was forced to wear three coats when it was only one coat weather. No longer could he have the plumpest ladies of his seraglio grouped about him that he might draw warmth from their firm young bodies. Such a procedure would have been absurd. As Prime Minister he must give the impression of rugged strength. Certain eunuchs spread rumors that he had the endurance of a tiger. For this service, each was rewarded with a bolt of silk. The silk came from the treasuries of the Empire.

An Lu-shan laughed heartily at the preposterous assertion.

"If Kuo-chung is a tiger," he said, "he must come from a district flayed by famine."