Page:Frank Owen - The Scarlett Hill, 1941.djvu/299

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The Scarlet Hill

"What stock can anyone put in the opinion of a scoundrel who deals in counterfeit coin?"

He was shocked by the vehemence of her tone.

"You are angry?" he gasped.

"Outraged is a better word. If you were not my cousin, I would request the President of the Board of Punishments to prepare a draught of gold for you."

"You would have me swallow gold?" He was horror-stricken.

"Willingly if it could cleanse the name of Yang. But you are my cousin and I cannot bring death upon a member of my House. I can, however, make you a solemn promise that if within the month you have not ceased handling such degrading currency, I'll move heaven itself to banish you from Changan. You have the highest office of any member of the Court, the highest office the Emperor is able to bestow; administer it as though you were a Prime Minister."


Kuo-chung was dismayed and badly frightened. It was the first time in his life that Yang Kuei-fei had talked to him so violently. But there was no doubt in his mind that she was sincere. She was far more sincere than he had ever given her credit for being, despite her unfortunate association with An Lu-shan.

In his distress he turned to the army. Since she had shown interest in military leaders, he too would prove his worth as an army leader. He fortunately had once

been a member of the Chinese army stationed at bar-