Page:Frank Owen - The Scarlett Hill, 1941.djvu/325

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The Scarlet Hill

In her hair she had woven jasmine flowers, the symbol of sweetness and magic splendor. He leaned forward and brushed her hair with his cheek that he might inhale their perfume.

"We are both desolated," he said.

Yang Kuei-fei sighed. "What is to become of us?"

Ming Huang laughed bitterly. "You are in no danger," he assured her. "Whatever happens, depend upon it, An Lu-shan will protect you."

She wondered how he would react if he knew, that at that very moment, An Lu-shan's sword was hidden away in her sleeping room, among her scarves and her robes.


That night Ming Huang slept little. China was in peril. How far-reaching was the octopus of revolt only the ensuing days could tell. The defection of An Lu-shan, drove home the fact that he could not be sure of anyone except faithful Kao Li-shih and Kuo-chung, who had warned him of the impending peril. But he had refused to heed. Despite his frail body, Kuo-chung had been strong, loyal to the Empire.

A check-up showed surprisingly few military men left in Changan, and these for the most part were Palace troops who had lived so long in luxury that they had become inefficient, flabby parasites fastened to the Imperial treasuries. Men who never are called upon

to fight, seldom remain capable of fighting. All through