Page:Frank Owen - The Scarlett Hill, 1941.djvu/359

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The Scarlet Hill

hulk of An Lu-shan. In his hand was the long thin blade so hungry for flesh.

Then silently he struck, ripping open the huge stomach. The rattle in the throat of the Emperor of the Great Yen Dynasty was to him pleasant music.

Unobserved, he returned to the rooms of An Ch'ing-hsü. Together they drank wine from the jade cup.

In this manner did An Ch'ing-hsü come into power. However, he was weak and lacking in wisdom. He drank heavily. His success was ephemeral. He was no match for Shih Ssu-ming, his father's friend, who openly treated him with loathing and contempt.

Finally, one day, acting swiftly, Shih Ssu-ming seized An Ch'ing-hsü and put him to death. Thereafter Shih Ssu-ming proclaimed himself Emperor under the Great Yen Dynasty.

Eventually Shih Ssu-ming was murdered by his eldest son.

So rotted tyranny.


During the rush of circumstances that were ironically just, Tu Fu had secured his freedom. In utter weariness, he wrote:

"From Loyang I traveled many li.
For years barbarian hordes have swept the land,
Last year, in autumn, I passed the Dagger Range,
Hindered by wars alarm, now I rest beside the quiet Embroidery Stream.