Page:Frank Owen - The Scarlett Hill, 1941.djvu/363

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The Scarlet Hill

ters and Court Officers who had returned with Ming Huang from Chengtu.

Kao Li-shih relinquished his high office of Grand Eunuch in order that he might devote all his time to the well-being of his Emperor. He asked no greater gift than to serve.

Li Fu-kuo became Grand Eunuch. He kowtowed in smirking, fawning jealousy before Kao Li-shih. Though in rank he was now above Kao, he had the miserable feeling that Kao towered over him. Their difference in physical height partly accounted for this, but primarily it was because of the greatness of Kao's spirit.

Li Fu-kuo decided that he would use every force at his command to drive Kao from the Court.


Then one day the four hundred women returned from Ma Wei.

In awe, they related how they had opened up the grave of Yang Kuei-fei. But when they unclosed the coffin, it was empty.

Ming Huang heard the news with no sign of agitation.

"Yang Kuei-fei still lives!" he cried. "That is why I did not go with you to Ma Wei. I knew that the grave would be empty. It was empty because Yang Kuei-fei still lives! If you listen, you will hear her voice."

In awe, the Court Officers who had assembled to

honor the memory of Yang Kuei-fei, gave way before